RIZKI, UTAMI (2022) AN ANALYSIS OF SYMBOLISM FOUND IN DISNEY’S 2015 CINDERELLA LIVE ACTION MOVIE. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang.

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Cinderella live action movie is a movie adaptation of the animated Cinderella movie, which was released by Disney in 2015. This Study presents several symbols to add deeper meaning and also add aesthetic value. This study aims at two things; the first is to identify the symbolism found in the movie, and the second is to explain the literal and literary meaning of symbolism, which occurs in the movie. The symbolism and meaning included in the Cinderella movie were examined using a qualitative method. This method necessitates a number of steps in order to collect data. The first step was watched the movie numerous times, then read the script to better comprehend the plot, and last, capturing some scene from the movie that corresponds to the symbolism that will be discussed in the movie. After that, classify the data. To get a literal meaning, the data was gathered from the Oxford online dictionary. Take data from several relevant journal articles to figure out the literary meaning. This study concludes that the Cinderella movie has many types of symbolism. The usage of symbolism in the Cinderella movie aims to add a deeper meaning. There are two types of symbolism found: colors, and animals, which are found in the Cinderella movie. When a movie is presented with symbolism, this indicates that in the movie there is an implied or deeper meaning than what it should be. With the presence of animal and color symbolism, there is another meaning to be conveyed to the audience from each color and animal symbolism present in the movie. Symbolism is also used to visualize various personalities and scenarios depending on the illustrations provided throughout the movie’s story. Keywords: Symbolism, Color Symbolism, Animal Symbolism, Literal Meaning, Literary Meaning.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PR English literature
Divisions: Fakultas Bahasa dan Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Bahasa dan Ilmu Komunikasi > Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Pustakawan 1 UNISSULA
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2023 07:39
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2023 07:39

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